Exploring the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

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Herniated Disc Treatment and Expert Therapy from Advanced Spine and Rehab

Many people are surprised to learn that a herniated disc can result in pain, tingling and numbness in areas other than the back. In fact, the type of pain and other symptoms experienced from a herniated disc differ according to where the injury occurred and which nerves are affected. These include:

  • Herniated Disc and Cervical Segment 4 and 5: 
    Results in C5 nerve root impingement, which can cause feelings of weakness in the deltoid muscles of the upper arm. Most people do not feel numbness or tingling sensations, but they may feel shoulder pain.
  • Herniated Disc at Cervical Segment 5 and 6: 
    Results in C6 nerve root impingement, causing weakness in the biceps and the wrist extensor muscles. Pain, tingling and numbness may radiate from the thumb side of the hand. This is the most common area for a cervical herniated disc to occur.
  • Herniated Disc at Cervical Segment 6 and 7: 
    Results in C7 nerve root impingement, causing weakness in the triceps and in the extensor muscles of the fingers. Pain, numbness and tingling may radiate down the triceps and into the middle finger.
  • Herniated Disc at Cervical Segment 7 and Thoracic Segment 1: 
    Results in C8 nerve root impingement, causing weakness when gripping with the hand. Pain, tingling and numbness may radiate down the arm and to the little finger.
  • Herniated disc at Lumbar Segment 4 and 5: 
    Results in L5 nerve impingement, causing sciatica pain and possibly weakness when raising the big toe or the angle, Pain and numbness may be felt at the top of the foot.
  • Herniated Disc at Lumbar Segment 5 and Sacral Segment 1: 
    Results in S1 nerve impingement, causing sciatica and weakness when standing on the toes. Pain and numbness may radiate down into the sole of the foot and the outside of the foot.

Contact Advanced Spine Today for Herniated Disc Injuries »

If you are suffering from a herniated disc, there is no reason for you to needless suffer from the pain. Contact our team at Advanced Spine & Rehab and we will be happy to put together a treatment program to help you overcome the pain you are experiencing.