Treating Whiplash Following a Car Accident

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries associated with being involved in a car accident. Caused by a forceful and rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, whiplash is often treatable through a multi-pronged treatment plan. Here is a look at some of the most common methods used for treating whiplash.  Pain Management In order to reduce the amount of... read more »

Treating a Broken Tailbone Following a Car Accident

Car accidents are one of the main causes of tailbone injuries, but what exactly is the tailbone and how is an injury to this part of the body treated following an automobile accident? What is the Tailbone? The coccyx, commonly referred to as the “tailbone,” is a group of small bones that are located at the lower end of your... read more »

Treating a Broken Finger Following a Car Accident

When involved in a car accident, a number of injuries are possible. One of these possible injuries is a broken finger. While a broken finger may sound like a relatively simply injury, dealing with this type of break can really slow down your life and the things you can enjoy. After all, fingers allow you to hold onto things, to... read more »

Three Reasons to Wear Your Seatbelt

Buckling your seatbelt may seem annoying or even uncomfortable at times, but there are many reasons why wearing a seatbelt each and every time you get in the car is important.  Reason #1: Reduce Risk of Death The most obvious reason for wearing a seatbelt is to reduce your risk of being killed in an automobile accident. According to some... read more »

Internal Bleeding and Car Accidents

When involved in a car accident, it is possible that you may suffer from internal bleeding as the result of your injuries. By definition, internal bleeding is any type of bleeding that takes place inside of your body. As such, it is not easy to see or to diagnose. Yet, in some cases, internal bleeding can be a life-threatening condition.... read more »

Treating a Broken Clavicle Following a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident may sometimes result in a broken clavicle, more commonly referred to as a collarbone. Despite the name, the collarbone is not actually located in the neck. Rather, it consists of the two long, thin bones that connect your breastbone to your shoulder blades. Breaking this bone can create any of the following symptoms: Pain... read more »

X-Rays and Scans for Car Accident Victims

After being involved in a car accident, your doctor may wish to run one of several different types of tests. Many of these tests are designed to help determine the type and extent of internal injuries from which you are suffering. Learning more about these different types of tests can help you to be better prepared to undergo them while... read more »

Addressing a Broken Nose Following a Car Accident

Also referred to as a nasal fracture, a broken nose is a common facial injury that may occur from a car accident. Since your nose sticks out from your face, it is relatively easy to break.  Some of the signs that your nose was broken in a car accident include: Pain in the nose, particularly when touchedSwelling of the noseNosebleedMucus... read more »

Treating a Broken Thumb Following a Car Accident

When involved in a car accident, it is not uncommon for one of the resulting injuries to be treating a broken thumb. This is particularly true if the thumb is positioned in such a way that it is damaged when the airbag is deployed from the steering wheel. If your thumb is injured during a car accident, you will likely... read more »

Arizona Car Accident Injuries and Treatment

Being involved in a car accident can result in a wide variety of different types of injuries. Among these potential injuries is a broken neck, which can range from a small, hairline crack to one or more bones breaking into two or more pieces. Depending upon the severity of the break, the treatment plan will obviously differ. If your break... read more »