Soft Tissue Injuries, Scrapes and Cuts: Exploring Common Injuries Associated with Car Accidents

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Common Injury Treatments from

When involved in a car accident, soft tissue injuries, scrapes and cuts are common. While these injuries are not always serious or life threatening, proper treatment is necessary to prevent permanent damage from occurring.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries occur when the body’s connective tissue, which includes ligaments, muscles and tendons, is damaged. Whiplash is an example of a soft tissue injury that commonly results from car accidents. Whiplash occurs when the muscles and ligaments are stretched due to sudden movements of the neck and head. These same movements can also cause other types of soft tissue injuries, such as sprains to the mid- and low-back.

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Scrapes and Cuts

During a car accident, items typically get thrown about the vehicle. Anything from cell phones to eyeglasses, mugs, books and purses can all become items of destruction. These items can easily create scrapes and cuts if they come in contact with your body. Cuts and scrapes can also occur when the airbag deploys in a collision. Depending upon the severity of the scrape or cut, medical intervention may be necessary. Stiches are the most common form of medical intervention used to treat this type of injury.

At Advanced Spine & Rehab, we are pleased to be able to offer a full range of medical interventions and treatment options for those who have been involved in a Phoenix car accident. Whether you are in need of surgery or chiropractic care, we offer a holistic approach that helps to address your injuries so you can recover as fully as possible.