Exploring the Dangers of Opioids

When used as directed by a doctor, opioids can help to alleviate acute pain for those who are suffering from certain conditions or who are recovering from surgery or injuries. Since opioids are provided to patients as a routine part of pain management care, many fail to realize the potential dangers of opioid medications. So, what exactly are opioids and... read more »

Opioids, Your Brain and Addiction

Naturally found in the opium poppy plant, opioids are a class of drugs that is frequently used as medicine to relax the body and alleviate pain. Due to their ability to make people feel relaxed and “high,” opioids are frequently abused for non-medical reasons. Since opioids are highly addictive, the risk for overdose is also very high. Common prescription opioids... read more »

3 Tips for Proper Back Health Management

Did you know that sitting for long periods of time with poor pasture can have long-term negative effects on your back? Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to help keep your back pain-free and in proper working order. And, of course, you also have the experts here at Advanced Spine & Rehab to help address any back... read more »

Concussions and Car Accidents: What You Should Know

When involved in car accident, a concussion is one of the injuries that you may sustain. But, what is a concussion and how is this medical condition treated? What is a Concussion? A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. Coming from a Latin word that translates to mean, “to shake violently,” a concussion is generally caused by a... read more »

5 Simple Steps You Can Take to Help in the Opioid Crisis Battle

According to data from 2018, 128 people died every day in the United states due to opioid overdosing. Unfortunately, the problem with opioids continues to get worse, creating a serious national crisis in the United States that affects not only public health, but the social and economic welfare of the country as a whole. Given the serious negative effects that... read more »

Advanced Spine: Aiding in Recovery from Auto Accidents and Beyond

At Advanced Spine & Rehab, we are pleased to be able to provide a wide range of services to those who have been injured in car accidents. By working closely with area hospitals and medical personnel, we are able to obtain the necessary information to develop a treatment program to suit the needs of those who have been involved in... read more »